Intro: Wait 32 counts. This can also be done to other Tango songs. Use your favorite!
Slow Tango Walks Forward x2, Tango Draw
1-4Step forward Left (1), Hold (2), Step forward Right (3), Hold (4).
5-8Step forward Left (5), Large step Right to Right side (6), Slowly drag Left toe to Right foot ending with Left toe touched beside Right foot (7-8).
Slow Tango Walks Back x2, Side, Cross, Point, Hold
1-4Step back with Left, (1), Hold (2), Step back with Right (3), Hold (4).
5-6Step Left foot to Left side (5), Step Right foot across in front of Left (6).
7-8Point Left toe to Left side with Right knee slightly bent (7), Hold (8).
Cross Rock 3, Flick, Cross Rock 3, Flick
1Turning body slightly to the Right, Rock Left foot forward across front of Right.
2Recover weight back to Right foot.
3Rock weight forward to Left foot in the same place as it was.
4Flick Right foot up behind as the body is turning slightly to the Left.
5With body angled slightly to the Left, Rock Right foot forward across front of Left.
6Recover weight back to Left foot.
7Rock weight forward to Right foot in the same place as it was.
8Flick Left foot up behind as the body is turning slightly to the Right.
Serpiente, 1/4 Turn Right
1-2Step Left foot across in front of Right (1), Squaring the body up to the front, step Right foot to Right side (2).
3-4Step Left foot crossed behind Right (3), Sweep Right toe out to Right side and back (4).
5-6Step Right foot crossed behind Left (5), Step Left foot to Left side (6),
7-8Step Right foot crossed in front of Left (7), With weight on Right foot, turn sharply 1/4 to the Right (8).
Start Again From Beginning Of Dance.