Boots on the Ground

Tre Little
32 count, 4 wall, Beginner Line Dance
Boots on the Ground By 803 Fresh


Right to give the right right
1-4 right foot to the right, left together, stomp right foot twice

left together left left
5-8 left foot to the left, right together, stomp left foot twice

Forward, side, back, side, cross point, cross point
1-8 Right foot forward, right side, right back, right side, right foot
cross over left, point left foot to left side, cross left foot over right,
right foot point to right side

Rock 1/4 turn triple step
1-4 right foot rock forward, recover on left, quarter turn to your right, triple step

Rock ½ Turn triple step
5-8 right foot rock forward, recover on the left ,1/2 turn to your left ,triple step

Walk forward
1-4 walk forward right, left, right, left

hip bumps
5-8 Hip bumps on the right four times
