Bustin’ Out

Chris Hookie (October 1993)
32 count, 4 wall, Upper Beginner/Improver Line Dance
Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr. [115 bpm] or Cow Cow Boogie by The Judds (104 bpm) or Get Into Reggae Cowboy by The Bellamy Brothers [124 bpm]

(a.k.a. Ghost Bustin’)

Intro – Start dancing on lyrics

1    Cross left behind right
2    Step right to side
3    Cross left over right
4    Right heel touch forward – slightly to the side

5    Cross right behind left
6    Step left to side
7    Cross right over left
8    Left heel touch forward – slightly to the side

1   Left foot step cross right foot
2   Right heel touch forward – slightly to the side
3   Cross right over left
4   Left heel touch forward – slightly to the side
5   Step left back
6   Step right back
7   Step left back
&  Step right back
8  Cross left over right

1   Step right to side
2   Cross left behind right
3   Right foot step to the side and make a ¼ turn right
4   Kick left forward
5   Left foot step back and make a ½ turn left
6   Step right forward and make a ½ turn left
7   Left foot step back and make a ½ turn left
8   Kick right forward

1   Right foot step over left foot
&   Step left to side
2   Shift weight on to right foot
3   Left foot step over right foot
&   Step right to side
4   Shift weight on to left foot

5   Right foot step over left foot
6   Left foot step straight back and begin a ½ turn right
7   Right foot step back and finish ½ turn right
&   Scoot forward right foot lead
8   Scoot forward right foot lead