Copa Y Vino

MartyD (Martha Quintero)
48 count, 4 wall, Beginner
Bailando Bachata By Chayanne

1-8 Side together side touch side front back Hitch
Right foot to the right, left foot next to right,
Right foot to the right, left foot touch next to right, touch left foot to the left side,
touch left foot forward touch left foot back, lift left knee up,

1-8 Side together side touch side front back Hitch
Left foot to the Left, right foot next to Left,
left foot to the left, right foot touch next to left, touch right foot to the right side,
touch right foot forward, touch right foot back, lift right knee up

1-8 lockstep forward, hold, rock recover, quarter turn left, touch
Step right forward, left behind right, right foot forward, and hold
Left for forward, rock back, quartier turn to the left with left foot,
Touch right foot next to left.

1-8 rock recover tiple step, left recover left right left.
Right foot forward, back on left, right left right.
Left footstep back, forward on right, left right left

1-8 March in place right left right, left touch, march in place left right
left, right touch.

1-8 V step, sway
Right foot out, Left foot out, Right foot in, Left foot next to r
sway hips to the right left right left.