The dance starts 32 counts into the music.
Toe Struts
1-2Touch R Toe Forward, Step Down on R
3-4Touch L Toe Forward, Step Down on L Foot
5-8Repeat 1-4
Grapevine Right and Left
1-4Step R Foot to Right, Step L Foot Behind R Foot, Step R Foot to Right, Touch L Toe next to R Foot
5-8Step L Foot to Left, Step R Foot Behind L Foot, Step L Foot to Left, Touch R Toe next to L Foot
K-Step with a Left Turn
1-2Step R Foot forward Right Diagonal, Touch L Toe next to R Foot
3-4Step L Foot back to Left Diagonal, Touch R Toe next to L Foot
5-6Step R Foot back to Right Diagonal, Touch L Toe next to R Foot
7-8Step L Foot forward and turn 1/4 Left Turn, Touch R Toe next to L Foot (9:00)
Heel Swivels
1-4Step R Foot to Right slightly forward and Swivel L foot (Heel, Toe) and Touch L Toe next to R Foot
5-8Step L Foot to Left slightly forward and Swivel R Foot (Heel, Toe) and Touch R Toe next to L Foot
Repeat – No Tags; No Restarts
Ending: The dance ends on the 6:00 wall at the end of the dance. Just pivot 1/2 turn to the 12:00 wall and TADA!